Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The three-D experience

I haven’t been writing too much these days. Blame it on my family bonding time, can’t blame it on travel this time around- just made this one trip to Scotland and a couple of road trips close home.

It’s been a mish-mash year, very unplanned and disorganized but fun nevertheless. (Remember I am talking about 2015)

 My experiences have been in layers and sections. On one hand I have had the fun of setting up yet another home on the other I have had to curse the Mumbai traffic! Thank God for the peace and tranquility of Powai and curse the devil for creating all the pollution and traffic snarls on the Western expressway! Having my family back again in my not so empty nest, beside the fact that I have to plan three meals a day (it seems so long ago that I was doing this on a regular basis and not realizing it!)

 A happening year but a disorganized one is how I would describe it. On the upside I have an unpaid driver as the Lil’ doc of the family takes me anywhere and everywhere I want to! The first few outings were terrifying. Pressing the phantom clutch and brake from the passenger seat is not a comfortable experience! Soon I got used it. Instead of cursing the ever present autos who weave in and out, I started reading the very witty driving advice on the billboards! Believe it or not I laughed at them too. I looked at the traffic signal vendors without annoyance and wished I had a small child to buy the toys they were hawking. I even made eye contact with the pretty eunuchs and smiled at them as they tapped on my closed windows.

 On the downside the Lil’ Doc does not let me munch on chips while I go on a serial watching binge! Nags me about exercising! Stops me from “Malling” (that means walk around aimlessly in the mall!) but then happiness comes at a cost.

Then comes the “nnoying Teenager” who is forever hungry! (the term ‘nnoying” comes from the fact that she calls everyone and everything that!) She never wakes up at breakfast time (the jet lag excuse has gotten over a long time ago!) Can sit on the computer multi -tasking with her phone but never sees the unmade bed or the pile of clothes dumped in the room!

 But the energy of her hugs and her demands for affection erases most of the annoyingness!

 Hubby dearest has been basking in the all-female attention! He did not have to deal with a cranky lonely wife as she was busy, really busy. He had the excuse to be a workaholic (make money for us to spend!)

After a topsy turvy time the year ended with our last road trip. The new year was different too, we went for a Powai walk till midnight (Beautifully lit up this year!) and had dinner out instead of the normal drinking party! The high light was we were together after a long time.

 The new year has crept in stealthily. Before we knew it was here and we are well into the first month! The house is quieter as the brat has gone back to college.

Having passed her driving test, I thought I would make a car for her birthday cake and I did! The downside is Lil’Doc is nnoyed as it is a three D shaped cake which she says I never make for her (not true! Not true! Say the early Koels outside the window!)

So a year full of three dimensional experience is how I would describe 2015. Let’s see what the new year brings in…

But I do hope it brings happiness and love for everyone and travel and writing for me.


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