The ceiling fan chugged on, on the hot humid day it struggled to
push the heavy hot air (I always knew that cold air is heavy!) aside and around
to cool my sweat dripping mind and body. I sighed! I had just finished cooking
an elaborate lunch, had a hurried bath and was looking forward to stretching
out on what is called “the Marshmallow “by the third adult of the family. But
the fan was just not giving me the coolness I required to let my cells loose
and relax. I pushed my creaking bones to get up and find the remote to switch
on the air conditioner but just then the fan took pity on me and started whirling
at its full speed! I was too tired to question its efficiency and enjoyed it to
the fullest and saved on my electricity
This was the first time I noticed this. But it became a regular
thing- when I entered the room or just sat on the bed the fan would be an old
man! But after a few minutes- if I deigned to continue sitting in the same room
it would hurl itself against the wind and cool me down! I tried to argue with
all the science that I had learned in high school – that it was just the
voltage fluctuating! But the same “scientific mind “argued back “why was this
not happening with any other fan in any other room?”
One day the family head, passed a comment, that this fan was
really terrible. I had just came in to take my morning stretch on the
marshmallow. I joked ‘Now that I have come it will work!” believe it or not it
started dancing about fast and voila! I was cool.
I have always had this sixth sense when it comes to spirits and
ghost throughout my life. From the time I was five or six I have had some kind
of eerie experience. I think I have written about a couple of them. I always know
when I enter a new place if its “different”. This new house had none of the
markers that I associate with the supernatural and I had forgotten about this
facet of mine for the first four months that we had lived here.
I really don’t know whether this episode is a ghost or the faulty
electric conductors on the fan! But I can sense no presence and my comfort
levels are not disturbed. But then never has my comfort levels been disturbed.
I am very aware of all the spirits that swirl about in the air around me but
they are like the sunlight- it’s there but it is no sort of an impediment to existence!
I have only had one malevolent and one scary experience with this new dimension
otherwise it’s been symbiotic experience.
There are too many co incidences in life, too many Deja vus to
be explained away with scientific precision. I am fascinated with this
dimension and as I devour all materials written on this I hope that one day,
during my life time, we are able to find some kind of communication system (I
do not believe in séances!)
I can hear the snorts and sniggers from many of you but that
does not disturb me because unless you move out of your comfort zone of four
dimension will you be able to experience the nth dimension!
Meanwhile my friendly ghost makes the fan go at whatever speed I
require and lets the bells on my window chime jingle merrily with the wind J