Monday, May 16, 2011

Silent Contentment

 While going through my blog spots it suddenly hit me that I am becoming too didactic.....  You know sort of preaching about good and bad, right and wrong and left and right et al and that’s too bad! (There I go again!)......

Today I went through a bout of misery both mental and physical and when I was able to ride the crest of this wave of desolation successfully I went out on the windy balcony and meditated on the busy traffic on the road by the sea. Have you ever tried it? It’s really very soothing to a battle-fatigued mind. There was a lot of noise too – hum of the traffic, ambulance sirens, horns blowing and the general sound of living but it was kind of like soft music and I basked in the warm sun with the cold wind whipping my hair around my face.

The sea was breathtakingly beautiful and as the clouds chased each other across the sky it changed its colours as fast as a chameleon and this washed away the anxiety of a tightly stressed mind and I felt cleansed. Even above the din of human existence I could hear the roar of the sea and as usual it took me for a personal ride and I was there poised as a ballerina is before her flight- on my toes! Would I be able to take off? Would I be able to shake off the dew drops on my wings to soar into the unknown? I am being selfish today to talk so in riddles! But I do hope these are riddles which all of us face and each one of us has one unique answer to them  and thus in the long run I am helping you to come to grips with reality by asking my personal questions which could be your personal questions! (Is it getting worse?)... These questions speak of discontentment.

The sudden shriek of a child cut across all my musings. I looked down at the source of the sound and saw a little boy wanting to be picked up by his mother.  She looked tired, she was obviously poor as she was trying to sell tissues at the traffic crossing and this little one was taxing her to pick him up. The traffic started moving and she backed off up on the foot path dragging the wailing child with her. She plopped down on the hard stone and from within the folds of her voluminous gown, produced a biscuit packet and thrust it at the child who took it and threw it at the traffic going past! He wanted love but was offered sustenance and being a child had the honesty to throw what he didn’t want. How many of us have the guts to throw away material gain in face of demanding for something as inane as love! His mother realised this and hugged him to her bosom and he was silent.... The silence spoke of contentment.

I smiled to myself at this picture and looked up at the blinding sun and a cloud covered it – to allow me to open my blind eyes...  sweeping my eyes at the vast panorama of small cameos that were being played a little way down my viewing stand, I felt the noise of life encompassing me all round. One friend who had recently visited me had commented that she wouldn’t like to stay in this quiet area as she needed to know that people were around her when she went out and if the sound got too much she could close the windows and be all alone! Is that what was biting me today? There was a lot of clamour but it seemed as if it was far away as if I was floating in space and looking down at earth...  This solitariness spoke of imprisonment.

The mad man who always ran to open the door of the car when I went out in the hope of a few pounds was rushing here and there doing the same thing for other people- helping the drivers to park their car in the narrow road opening doors for the passengers and taking the small tips with a smile and a “thank you”. Idly watching him I wondered what had driven him mad (If he was actually mad!) was it poverty? Was it love? Or was it his DNA? Whatever it was he was existing and that is what life is all about! (Again being didactic!) ... This madness spoke of freedom.

Today as I sign off I crave for a silence of contentment and the madness of freedom. I am for a change, bereft of any words of advice, for today I need a light to show my path....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lost and found.....

Rows upon rows of aisles! Very few people around but the anxious eyes sought every row and column looking for a tall thin man and his short little wife.  They would stand out as they are Indians but not a sign of them!  Desperate eyes pushing the filled trolley hoping against hope to find them soon. Two phone calls for moral support to hubby dear only to get calm logical advice which actually does not help in the face of panic! People had started looking curiously to see this lady going round in circles. “Calm down! Where would they have gone, not too far away”, said the ever practical mind but the panic stricken heart gave all sorts of arguments to nullify them.  After paying at the counter (still looking everywhere for a glimpse!)  The lady walked out and saw them waiting outside! Oh the relief!  As the tension ebbed out she could hardly stand on her feet but then life was on an even keel and the day went forward......

How the tables have turned! One day I was a little girl and they would be feeling the same thing that I felt that day!  Some decades ago they would have gone through the gamut of emotions which I went through that day! It’s good to have them around to show them that they have been successful in bringing up a responsible human being, to show them that they have been able to lead someone onto the right path.  Middle age is a strange platform, on one hand you are still leading a generation toward the right path and on the other you are helping another generation to kick the stones on their path and to smooth the kinks on the path of both the generation!

Someone said that love always goes downwards but I would beg to differ; I believe love is like the rays of the sun. It goes in all direction and is all encompassing. Giving light and heat and breathing life into the gloomiest of environments.  A great sage had said that you can reach ultimate happiness only when you leave behind all the attachments of the world. When you successfully cut the threads of “Maya” can you reach heaven said the ascetics of yore. Is happiness sitting in a temperature controlled environment and contemplating the beauty of nature (or heaven)? Does happiness exist without any problems, sadness or pain? Is happiness a state of mind where there is nothingness?  If it is then I think I will commit a few sins so that I do not go to heaven! I can come back, be reborn so that I can experience the rainbow palette of emotions, go through pain so that I appreciate pleasure. I do not want to be so good that I am bored with goodness.

What I want to ask is if I have reached the end of the road what do I do? The pleasure of having a goal is the journey towards it, not the destination! As a traveller I have picked up nuggets on my path of life sometimes they have been smooth and cool and sometimes they have been hot and sharp but the pleasure of knowing them and feeling them have been equally satisfying! When I look back there have been forks on the roads and a tinge of regret for “the road not taken” but definitely unhappiness has never shrouded me due to decisions. Every mistake I have made in life has taught me a lesson and I would not have it otherwise. 

I have met many people who get pleasure in pointing out that had you done that you would have been on a different plane (Mostly on a plane where a supposedly successful person is!) Yes possibly but would it have made me happy is the question. Happiness is an overrated emotion and I do know that there can be no pleasure if there is no pain and there can be no beauty if there is no ugliness. If you think happiness is equal to pleasure, beauty and goodness then I really think you should rethink your philosophy and do a little soul searching so that it’s not too late to achieve what you set out to! After all to itch also give relief, happiness and pleasure.