“I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”
I had always loved poetry as a means of expressing
myself and here was someone who did exactly that. I hated the discipline of
English poetry and here was someone who laid his own rules. I believe that
anything with beauty and form is poetry and here was someone who had believed
in this, years ago. I devoured his “Leaves of Grass” with fervor that one would
devour a lover’s letters with. I read up his history; was a little
uncomfortable with the fact that he might have been gay; stopped reading about
him and concentrated on his works.
Other than the lines that I have quoted in the beginning,
there was another – “A child said What is the grass?” is something that even
now has the capacity to make me feel elated. “..The smallest sprouts show there
is really no death,” is something I identify so strongly with that I feel a
chill down my spine. Maybe I knew him when he was alive and the cosmic string
that ties me with him is strong and one day we will recognize each other. Does
that sound very mushy and romantic?
I had his book and it always had a pride of place in my
book shelf. Over the last twenty five years it has reposed as an article of
decoration in all the many houses that I have lived in; the pages have yellowed
and become crisp yet I have always lovingly dusted it and kept it down with
more gentleness than the other treasured
books. But the years have passed by and I have not really read my songs of love!
Yesterday everything changed! My TT wanted help with a
poem- to understand and analyze it. Having taught poetry for some years I was
not too daunted with the task. When I opened the page and saw it was a part of “the
song of myself” my heart stopped for a moment. In that single microsecond,
thoughts raced to outrun each other.
Twenty five years
just dissolved into thin air and here I was again in rapt attention listening (for
you have to listen to his poetry!), I read it out, I don’t know whether my TT
really felt my voice throb with emotion but I felt the adrenaline rush and I
was just as love sick as I was twenty five years ago!
I now had the daunting task of introducing this
enchanting poet to my own daughter and to incite within her an interest so that
she would be able to appreciate the beauty, power and bewitching play of words
and its meanings. Would she be able to understand a poet who was born almost
two hundred years ago? I was further appalled to hear that she had told her
teacher that the poem confused her!
This followed one hour of my peeling off the dead and
thickened skin which had enveloped me. I just read the printed paper aloud, I
lovingly took out my sacred books and read the lines of interpretations that I
had written years ago and the flow of thoughts came back. I needed to write my
thoughts…. I was again a first year student….
The pleasure, thrill and excitement that engulfed me
cannot be expressed or explained but I was on a roll! Words just flowed from my
fingers and I was ready to do my tutoring.
As I explained and exhibited my interpretation of the
poem to my TT, I could see the glint of excitement being ignited. I don’t know
whether she appreciated the poet or she was excited that some of her
interpretation was similar to mine but it is a beginning and that’s what
matters. I was, I think partially successful in my mission.
I hope the interest that I ignited turns into a fire (a
tiny fire) and brings the surge of interest and knowledge to make her explore,
search and find the rich world of words and poetry. This I truly believe is the
best support system in today’s world where psychological wars are constantly
raging in all spheres of existence. Now is the time when Whitman’s song never
rang truer!
Wish me luck as I venture into an old world of thoughts
which holds true even today.
*TT- Terrible Teenager
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