Thursday, October 7, 2010

Serpent in Eden!

While reading the book of Genesis, I felt that the whole story was a comedy of errors! Both Adam and Eve were so very flat in the beginning; interesting thing began to happen only when the serpent came into Eden! How much ever we refuse to meet the Devil's eye, we cannot refute the fact that he was handsome and intelligent. How easily he manipulated the humans! And even God's string was indirectly pulled by him.

The eternal question of who was to be blamed, will never be satisfactorily answered. Personally I don't blame Eve, I mean how long can an averagely intelligent human being, just eat and breath? The story had to go forward and the serpent provided the catalyst. The whole atmosphere was at a bursting point, if it had not been the serpent it would have been something else! Not that I blame Adam either, the poor thing did not have much choice did he? Only one friend, companion and wife with whom he was to spend eternity!What other avenues were open for him? They both made their own independent choice and must have regretted it many a times in their life. But it is this choice which gave them the first taste of freedom- before this, they were birds in a golden cage! Just imagine the human race would never have been there but for the slimy serpent! Eternity of Adam and Eve!

The Yin Yang philosophy best illustrates my argument. If Yin is not there, there is no Yang, as they represent a whole, one is incomplete without the other. Of course to label yin yang as good/bad or negative/ positive is to limit its deeper meaning but superficially it does pander to my ideas!

If there was no death would we appreciate life? If there was no ugliness would we appreciate beauty? If there was no pain would we appreciate happiness? Just imagine how many feelings we would have skipped if Eve had not eaten that apple!

It is just that, in the wheel of life, when we are down, life is the pits. When we analyze why such a thing had to happen or is happening? We wallow in the bog of ifs and buts and sink deeper into it. There is no point in reflecting on what went wrong its better to think of how to set it right!

Its the Greek who actually understood what the human mind needs and they introduced the concept of tragedy and catharsis!

The sea is a little murky today, I wait on in the hope that it will clear up soon.

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